Monday, October 7, 2013

A Whole Buch of Tests!

Thursday October 3, 2013

First discovery of the day was that our bacteria was not motile. Unfortunately, it looked about the same as it did on Tuesday. We were pretty bummed, we wanted to see it move under the microscope! 

Next we completed several inoculations to test for starch hydrolysis, casein hydrolysis, fat hydrolysis, litmus milk, and gelatin hydrolysis. 

Starch hydrolysis:

Casein Hydrolysis:

Fat Hydrolysis:

 Litmus Milk test: 

Gelatin Hydrolysis: 

After we completed the inoculations, we stored the bacteria at 25 degrees Celsius. 

We then looked at the broth inoculation we had done on tuesday, and at first didn't see any bacteria growing. We reinoculated our bacteria in the broth. 

After that, Dr. P came over and told us that we actually did have bacteria growing! Pretty awesome. We then practiced the droplet slide technique under the microscope. Adios! 

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