Thursday, September 12, 2013

Second Try

After all our work on Tuesday, Dr. P. thought we should do the staining again and maybe get a clearer result. We ran out of time though, so today we tried it again.

The culture

Second Try: Hope it works!!
This time we flew through the staining process in under 10 minutes.
Our results were great!! The stain was really good and the sample was very clear. Dr. P. even called the stain beautiful! Our bacteria we thought was gram-positive on our first sample, but today's test showed us clearly that it is gram-negative. 

First Try on Tuesday

Second Try: Today
After everyone was done, Dr. P. gave us each different samples of bacteria to grow for next week. He knows what each bacteria is, but our job this semester is that we are going to be testing it in all different ways to find out what it is. Then for the last 45 minutes we started watching the movie Contagion. I am now officially freaked out. That movie has now made me slightly paranoid about germs. I hope this paranoia won't last to long. 

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